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13 Gedanken zu „Musik

  1. die klingeltöne sind ja sehr nett, aber „wayfaring stranger“ liegt in einer GANZ anderen kategorie! der höchsten!!! (da wo auch „in my darkest hour“ liegt!) … i’m goin‘ there…. <3

  2. Moin, Danke für die unterhaltsamen Stunden auf dem Nürnberger Bierfest.
    Besonders in Erinnerung geblieben ist mir das Medley „Superhit“ mit erklärenden Texten.
    Gibts das auch auf einer CD?


  3. Hi Flo, endlich konnte ich deiner Schatzkammer herumstöbern und bin begeistert von den vielen Schätzen, die man hören und sehen kann! Bist ein grossartiger Künstler und ein lieber Mensch!!! Alles Liebe und ich wünsch dir von Herzen den Erfolg, den du verdienst, Britta

  4. Super Musik, netter Typ, super Stimme !!! Gehört auf dem Kanalfest letzte Woche in Bamberg. Kommst du eigentlich auch mal in die Stuttgarter Ecke ??? Liebe Grüsse von Susanne

  5. Hi
    I am very keen to find out what guitar you are using in the song I’ve been thinking about it. I use a Voicelive 3 extreme and do a lot of looping. But your guitar sound and the guitar you are using sounds amazing. Please could you advise what guitar it is. Thank you

  6. Hi Wallace, thanks for the kind words! The guitar is a instrument manufactured by Kirkland, the model is called „Balance“. These were made in the 1990s and are not sold in stores anymore. This one I got from ebay, I paid around 110$ for it in mint condition about 10 years ago. They’re hard to find, but sometimes one pops up on ebay. There’s black models available, too.

    The Kirkland models are copies of a german guitar maker’s model, also called „Balance“ His name is Johannes Vogel and he still makes the originals, he’s a nice guy and will be able to help you if you’re interested in getting one of his guitars. See his website for further information:

    I was not completely satisfied with the original pickup and bridge (an old Shadow piezo), so I had the preamp, bridge and pickup replaced at basslab ( It was a complete makeover including a custom made bridge and six seperate piezos that have seperate volume controls on the preamp. It was a bit costly, but I think the guitar’s sound and playability has improved a lot since the makeover. We also removed the magnetic pickup that the guitar came equipped with.

    If you can get your hands on one of the cheap Kirkland copies, I’d say: Get it. They’re cheap and especially for live looping they’re great workhorses, no feedback whatsoever and a decent acoustic sound, even with the original piezo pickup. Good luck finding one, I’ve seen four of them during the last 10 years 🙂

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